
SSM Sport Agency

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Welcome to SSM Sports Agency’s Refund Policy. This policy outlines the terms and conditions regarding prepayments and refunds for our various programs.

Foundation Programs (except Double Degree)

  1. Russian Speaking Countries, Ukraine, Latin America, Europe
    • Prepayment: 500 euro
    • Non-refundable due to visa: 350 euro
    • Non-refundable in other cases: 500 euro
  2. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, China, Japan, Korea, and Other Low-risk Countries
    • Prepayment: 1000 euro
    • Non-refundable due to visa: 500 euro
    • Non-refundable in other cases: 1000 euro
  3. South Africa, North Africa (Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya), Syria, Jordan, Iran
    • Prepayment: Full payment
    • Non-refundable due to visa: 1000 euro
    • Non-refundable in other cases: 1000 euro
  4. Central and Western Africa, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Western Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, and others), Afghanistan, and Other High-risk Countries
    • Prepayment: Full payment
    • Non-refundable due to visa: 1000 euro
    • Non-refundable in other cases: 1000 euro
  5. Exception for Partners:
    • Egypt (TOP Edu)
      • Prepayment: 2000 euro
      • Non-refundable due to visa: 500 euro
      • Non-refundable in other cases: 1000 euro
    • Syria (TALA), Jordan (Oval)
      • Prepayment: 2000 euro
      • Non-refundable due to visa: 1000 euro
      • Non-refundable in other cases: 1000 euro

Double Degree

  • Prepayment: 2500 euro for countries 1, 2, 5, or full payment for countries 3, 4
  • Non-refundable due to visa: 1000 euro
  • Non-refundable in other cases: 2500 euro

Summer Camps

  • Prepayment: 350 euro for countries 1, 2, or full payment for countries 3, 4, 5
  • Non-refundable due to visa: 200 euro
  • Non-refundable in other cases: 350 euro

Thank you for reviewing our Refund Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@ssmsportagency.com.

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